19 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt Destacado

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The blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that underlies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It provides a way to record and transfer data that is transparent, safe, auditable, and resistant to outages. The blockchain has the ability to make the organizations that use it transparent, democratic, decentralized, efficient, and secure. It's a technology that holds a lot of promise for the future, and it is already disrupting many industries.

Original post: http://futurethinkers.org/industries-blockchain-disrupt

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Blockchain startups and projects featured in this video:

Bitcoin - https://bitcoin.org/
Abra - https://www.goabra.com/
Provenance - https://www.provenance.org/
Fluent (Rebranded to Hijro) - https://hijro.com/
SKUChain - https://skuchain.com/
Blockverify - http://www.blockverify.io/
Augur - https://augur.net/
Networking and IoT
Adept - http://www.coindesk.com/ibm-reveals-proof-concept-blockchain-powered-internet-things/
Aeternity - https://www.aeternity.com/
Arcade City - https://arcade.city/
La'Zooz - http://www.shareable.net/blog/lazooz-the-decentralized-crypto-alternative-to-uber
Innogy - https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/innogy-charges-new-electric-car-fleet-using-ethereum-blockchain/
UBS - https://www.ubs.com/microsites/blockchain-report/en/home.html
ZF - http://www.econotimes.com/UBS-bank-innogy-and-ZF-partner-to-provide-blockchain-backed-wallets-for-cars-471860
Online Data Storage
Storj - https://storj.io/
IPFS - https://ipfs.io/
BitGive Foundation - https://bitgivefoundation.org/
Democracy Earth - http://democracy.earth/
Follow My Vote - https://followmyvote.com/
GovCoin - http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160707005803/en/GovCoin-Systems-Implements-Social-Welfare-Payments-Distribution
Dubai Blockchain Strategy - http://www.smartdubai.ae/dubai_blockchain.php
Circles - https://ourbasicincome.wordpress.com/
Gem - https://gem.co/
Tierion - https://tierion.com/
TransactiveGrid - http://transactivegrid.net/
Mycelia - http://myceliaformusic.org/
Ujo Music - https://ujomusic.com/
OpenBazaar - https://www.openbazaar.org/
OB1 - https://ob1.io/
Ubitquity - https://www.ubitquity.io/
Consensys - https://consensys.net/about/
Ethereum - https://www.ethereum.org/

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