The blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that underlies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It provides a way to record and transfer data that is transparent, safe, auditable, and resistant to out...
3,368 AufrufeThe most watched Bitcoin introduction video ever. This updated (04/2014) video explains how bitcoin works and the importance of this paradigm shifting technology. More information: https://www.weu...
3,971 AufrufeMore information: Learn about Bitcoin. This short animated video is an introduction to Bitcoin made possible with donations of time and money from the Bitcoin community. F...
3,757 AufrufeThe Cloud token ICO peer to peer online currency for the masses JOIN THE CROWDSALE
3,246 AufrufeIf you haven’t seen our old videos and you don’t really know what Lisk is, I’ll try to explain to you very briefly. Lisk is a decentralized Javascript application platform on the blockchain. You...
2,957 AufrufeWhat is Ethereum? A Simple Explanation Anyone Can Understand You'll receive $10 in free bitcoin by signing up with this link Blockchain Revolution Book: http://amzn....
3,128 AufrufeBlockchain, the key technology behind Bitcoin, is a new network that helps decentralize trade, and allows for more peer-to-peer transactions. WIRED challenged political scientist and blockchain resear...
3,480 AufrufeWhat is æternity and why is it unique in less than 3 minutes. Contribution campaign starts on April 3rd, 13:05 GMT. More info: Short interviews with the team:
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