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What is æternity and why is it unique in less than 3 minutes. Contribution campaign starts on April 3rd, 13:05 GMT. More info: Short interviews with the team:
Durch Blockchain:TV 5,543 AufrufeYOcoin based on the Ethereum Blockchain is Bitcoin 2.0 This is the Future of Cryptocurrency... Sign up and purchase YOcoin at the secure link below. or Feel free to...
Durch Blockchain:TV 2,815 AufrufeComments made by Vitalik Buterin have been hitting the headlines lately after he said that 90% of all token projects launching on the Ethereum platform would ultimately fail to provide any returns for...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,537 AufrufeDijital para piyasasındaki haber akışı, Bitcoin de son durum?, Kadir Kurtuluş Canlı Yayın, Avrasya Blockchain ve Kripto Para Araştırmaları Derneği
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,382 AufrufeINFINITY ist KEINE Firma, sondern eine vollständig führungslose dezentrale autonome Organisation (DAO) und vollständig auf die Mitglieder verteilte Finanz-Plattform, die sic...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,633 Aufrufe