Hallo zusammen, in diesem Video spreche ich über die aktuelle Meldung, dass Satoshi sich outen möchte. Viel Spaß! Mein erstes Video zur Theorie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJnAa43KejM Quel...
5,103 AufrufeThanks for watching! For donations: Bitcoin - 1CpGMM8Ag8gNYL3FffusVqEBUvHyYenTP8
4,796 AufrufeReportage "Welt ohne Banken", Bitcoin in der heutigen Zeit. Bitcoin und die Blockchain Technologie nimmt immer mehr Einfluss auf unser tägliches Leben. Ds gewöhnliche Bankengeschäft wir...
3,903 AufrufeWe break down the high points of Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen’s chat with his special guest Dr. Craig Wright at the CoinGeek Toronto Scaling Conference.
3,980 AufrufeSUBSCRIBE for more speakers ► http://is.gd/OxfordUnion Oxford Union on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theoxfordunion Oxford Union on Twitter: @OxfordUnion Website: http://www.oxford-union.org...
4,662 AufrufeUse Coinbase to start your journey and we both get $10 of free Bitcoin. https://www.coinbase.com/join/52b0b3e78b1d45cea200002f Subscribe to my newsletter at http://jasonpaige.com and get my Pokemo...
4,061 AufrufeNach der Rallye samt Korrektur ist der Bitcoin wieder zurück im Blick der Anleger. Aber was ist eigentlich der faire Wert der Kryptowährung? Blockchain-Experte Julian Hosp erklärt uns exklusiv sein...
4,089 AufrufeBitcoin für Anfänger einfach erklärt! [auf Deutsch] Bitcoins kaufen: ►► https://finanzfluss.de/go/bitcoin-boerse
4,581 AufrufeHallo zusammen, in diesem Video spreche ich über den Krypto-Pump der letzten Tage. Viel Spaß! #Bitcoin #Pump #Gründe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !...
4,356 AufrufeNaomi's Channel ▶ Youtube.com/NaomiBrockwellTV Naomi Brockwell has been a bitcoin advocate and evangelist since 2013. She was policy associate at the New York Bitcoin Center from 2013-2015, ...
4,705 AufrufeWhether or not it's worth investing in, the math behind Bitcoin is an elegant solution to some complex problems. Hosted by: Michael Aranda Special Thanks: Dalton Hubble Learn more about ...
8,371 AufrufeA somewhat technical explanation of how Bitcoin works. Want more? Check out my new in-depth course on the latest in Bitcoin, Blockchain, and a survey of the most exciting projects coming out (Ethereum...
7,991 AufrufeWas ist eigentlich Bitcoin? Was kann es und wo ist der Unterschied zu "normalem Geld"? Schau auch auf: https://www.btc-echo.de/ vorbei! ✅
5,084 AufrufeHow I lost $100,000 in Bitcoin, Litecoin, & Ethereum Ultimate Tech Living Room Setup Tour! ► http://bit.ly/2Fs5JYs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ST...
6,419 AufrufeIn 2011 Peter Saddington bought some Bitcoin. He never guessed what it would be worth today. He just became the first person ever to buy a Lamborghini Huracan with Bitcoin! Peter also helped found V...
5,320 AufrufeIn this Video Dr. Vivek Bindra discusses about Bitcoin. Dr Vivek Bindra shares in detail whether you should invest in Bitcoin or not. Dr Vivek Bindra shares his viewpoint about who should invest in Bi...
5,716 AufrufeProduced for SQ1.tv, this Bitcoin looks at the history, the ideologies, and the conflict between the politics of the early-adopters and the . Produced for SQ1.tv, this Bitcoin looks at the histor...
5,556 AufrufeBaffled by bitcoin? Confused by the concept of crypto-currencies? Well, fear no more. In 190 seconds we explain what bitcoin actually is, where the idea came from and the impact it's having a...
5,398 AufrufeIf money is only valuable when we believe in it, how much is a BitCoin actually worth? Jonathan explains the virtual currency as well as how to mine it and the risks involved in investing. Whether th...
5,848 AufrufeWhether or not it's worth investing in, the math behind Bitcoin is an elegant solution to some complex problems. Hosted by: Michael Aranda Special Thanks: Dalton Hubble Learn more about Cr...
39 AufrufeFalar em bitcoin gera algumas confusões já que muitas pessoas ainda não sabem dizer como funciona. Mas é simples. Bitcoin é uma criptomoeda que vale mais do que barras de ouro que valem mais do q...
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8,431 AufrufeInspired by The Wolf of Wall Street. WATCH MY PREVIOUS VIDEO ▶ https://youtu.be/w4ute6F_aNU SUBSCRIBE ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR4RidHeLYLLFIgM5XycBXw?sub_confirmation=1 THANKS FOR ...
5,839 AufrufeBitcoin explained from the viewpoint of inventing your own cryptocurrency. These in-depth videos are made possible by patreon: https://patreon.com/3blue1brown Protocol Labs: https://protocol.ai/ Inte...
6,036 AufrufeDigital currencies are generating a lot of excitement. John Oliver enlists Keegan-Michael Key to get potential investors equally excited about the concept of caution. Connect with Last Week Tonight o...
4,967 AufrufeMusic: "Holdin' On" by Flume ft. Freddie Gibbs Free download available at: http://soundcloud.com/flume/flume-holdin-on-feat-freddie Contact: friendsofsatoshi@gmail.com Sources:...
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6,977 AufrufeBei einigen Reiseanbietern, Pizza-Lieferanten und Auktionshäusern kann man statt mit Euro auch mit Bitcoins zahlen - einer virtuellen Währung, die in einem Computernetzwerk geschöpft und verwaltet ...
5,861 AufrufeORF Bericht über Bitcoin und Blockchain vom 27.10.2016 - http://cashinfo.at/Blockchain-Revolution/ ▶ Mehr über die Blockchain: http://cashinfo.at/Blockchain-Revolution und https://bitclubnetwork....
5,253 AufrufeDas ORF2 berichtete am 23.02.2017 über Bitcoin und wie diese bereits in Wien eingesetzt werden können. Quelle: http://tvthek.orf.at/profile/heute-konkret-OeGS/4839579/heute-konkret-OeGS/13918519 ...
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4,490 AufrufeDonate Bitcoin: 1NX6ijFGErktMGNYUHayD5iHDcZSFHdAwe Be a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/madbitcoins $4,022.75USD / BTC | Winkdex http://winkdex.com/ Bitcoin Cash (BCH) $610.80 (-21.33%) | Coi...
3,840 AufrufeIs it possible to spend one day using nothing but bitcoin? From where to eat, to how to get around, to where to shop, Jose Pagliery attempts to survive the day using just bitcoin.
3,294 AufrufeThis is what you need in order to mine BitCoins or other crypto-currencies. This hardware guide tells you what you will need to buy to get started. Keep in mind that power consumption and heat are y...
4,148 AufrufeNamaskaar Dosto, yeh ek bahut hi interesting video hai aur maine yaha aapko BitCoin ke baare mein bataya hai, Bitcoin kya hota hai? kaise kaam karta hai? bitcoin mining kya hoti hai? Bitcoin kaise ear...
4,296 AufrufeYOU CAN BUY BITCOINS HERE: http://bit.ly/CoinbaseWallet Raspberry Pi: http://amzn.to/2l6yrW7 Case for Raspberry Pi: http://amzn.to/1ibvy0t SD Card (Class 10): http://amzn.to/1hvwLwW Powered USB Hub: ...
3,165 AufrufeКак устроена современная индустрия майнинга криптовалют? Почему лидером биткойн-майнинга стал Китай? Докуме...
3,278 AufrufeI recently got into crypto currency after FinalHash contacted me and offered to teach me anything I wanted to know and provide me with some ASIC miners to get comfortable with. Now I'm sharin...
8,587 AufrufeHere's the follow-up from our Bitcoin nightmare saga: http://www.tested.com/tech/concepts/460601-where-we-went-wrong-buying-bitcoin-atm/ Driven by curiosity, Will and Norm do something incre...
4,490 AufrufeConverting all Alts to bitcoin, this short story shows you just how crazy it is to become a miner. Amazing music credits to. https://soundcloud.com/t-iii-sounds/one-and-only https://soundcloud.com...
3,625 AufrufeIt's time to put your money where your monitor is! And, while it doesn't grow on trees, it does in your hard drive! Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the t...
5,864 Aufrufein this video i am gonna showing you how to earn Bitcoins daily and earn 70000 - 1 lac per Weak | Payment proof | & 100% Trusted & genuine Website to earn money online | --------------...
3,532 AufrufeСсылка на сайт: https://primedice.com/?c=Sergio11s КИТАЙСКИЙ ОБЛАЧНЫЙ МАЙНИНГ: https://www.cryptomining.io/?rid=NDUxNDY0
3,388 AufrufeSubscribe to Motherboard Radio today! http://apple.co/1DWdc9d In October of last year Motherboard gained access to a massive, secretive Bitcoin mine housed within a repurposed factory in the Liaoning...
3,450 Aufrufe