Here's my honest thoughts on Lisk (LSK). Lisk is a blockchain aiming to empower blockchain applications. What are your thoughts on Lisk (LSK)?
5,158 AufrufeMax Kordek (CEO) and Rachel Black (Tech Evangelist) of Lisk present at Consensus Construct 2019 in New York on May 14, 2019. For the first time, we introduce and walk you through the 3 step process to...
4,977 AufrufeEinige Leser haben uns gefragt "Was ist eigentlich Lisk?" In diesem Video hat Danny eine Erklärung für euch vorbereitet! Fragen zu digitalen Währungen, Blockchain oder etwas anderes i...
4,671 AufrufeInvited by the digitalHUB Aachen the three old friends and co-founders of Bitcoin Aachen, Max Kordek, Christian Junger, and Yan Schreier came together in the Digital Church in Aachen. Over three talks...
4,908 AufrufeWitam wiele kryptowalut jak i Lisk(LSK) można zakupić na największej Polskiej giełdzie: #dolar #polski #gra #uwaga #tvn #oszustwo #przekret #Lisk #L...
6,498 AufrufeIn dieser Folge sprechen wir mit Max Kordek – dem Mitgründer und CEO von Lisk – über: ✔ Bitcoin und Blockchain ✔ Lisk als Framework für dezentrale JavaScript-Applikationen ✔ Vorteile und...
3,827 AufrufeMeet Max Kordek, entrepreneur, engineer, investor, blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiast. Max was born in Germany, in 1991. He has studied at Aachen Technical University (RWTH Aachen) in electrical...
3,818 AufrufeJoin the SF Bitcoin Meetup: Special Thanks to our great sponsors Lisk Cryptocurrency, Coin Source, . 1/2 Interview mit Max Kordek über Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft WITH ENGLISH SUB NOW! VO...
3,626 AufrufeDonations: 7875845012797148594L Download link: I made this track because I'm a big fan of Lisk :). Track is royalty free so you can use it ...
3,503 Aufrufe- BTC: 13CJxLuCKmccDvJDDrxa57NUKy7UEXFogz - . Max tells us more about Lisk, their rapid growth and unique place in the Blockchain market. 2/4 Max is a tech entrepreneur and globally recognised bloc...
3,523 AufrufeMax Kordek and Rick Falkvinge discuss ICO, Scaling, and the untapped potential of Blockchain technology. 3/4 Max is a tech entrepreneur and globally recognised blockchain visionary. He is Co-Founde...
3,239 AufrufeNeufund is a community-owned or investors-owned fundraising platform bridging the worlds of venture capital and blockchain space. To learn more about Neufund and its upcoming ICBM go to https://commi...
3,218 AufrufeTHE FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION IS READY! 2/2 Interview mit Max Kordek über Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum und Lisk! VOTE FOR LISK DELEGATE porsche DONATIONS WELCOME! BITCOIN: 364AAbViSKKs1A5Sfmvr3FN...
3,287 AufrufeMax Kordek shares the story behind his passion for Blockchain technology, and dropping out of university to co-found Lisk. 1/4 Max is a tech entrepreneur and globally recognised blockchain visionar...
4,077 AufrufeJoin the SF Bitcoin Meetup: Special Thanks to our great sponsors Lisk Cryptocurrency, Coin Source, KeepKey, and Waschman PR. Join us the last Tu...
3,360 AufrufeMax tells us more about Lisk, their rapid growth and unique place in the Blockchain market. 2/4 Max is a tech entrepreneur and globally recognised blockchain visionary. He is Co-Founder and Preside...
6,486 Aufrufe1/2 Interview mit Max Kordek über Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft WITH ENGLISH SUB NOW! VOTE FOR LISK DELEGATE porsche DONATIONS WELCOME! BITCOIN: 364AAbViSKKs1A5Sfmvr3FNVAZS8BErXSr LISK: 4...
3,926 AufrufeIn diesem Video habe Ich Max Kordek zum Lisk interviewt. Dazu konntet Ihr mir per Telegram Fragen zukommen lassen die Max in diesem Interview alle beantwortet hat. In diesem Interview werden viele F...
3,206 AufrufeMax Kordek (President, Lisk Foundation) speaks about "Bringing value to the internet - a Berlin blockchain hotspot perspective" at on November 28th 2017. is Eu...
3,354 AufrufeMax Kordek and Rick Falkvinge discuss the future of cryptocurrency. 4/4 Max is a tech entrepreneur and globally recognised blockchain visionary. He is Co-Founder and President of the Lisk Foundatio...
3,290 AufrufeLisk President, Max Kordek and another team member is on their Asia Tour currently. On the way, they visited Bithumb, one of the highest volume of Cryptocurrency exchange across of the world and talke...
6,724 AufrufeSee what happened during our last meetup of 2017 and listen to founder Max Kordek wrap up the year and share our plans for 2018.
3,210 AufrufeMehr zum Thema: Gründerszene ist das Magazin für Gründer, Startups und Investoren aus der Digitalwirtschaft. Neuigkeiten und Porträts aus der Szene zählen ebenso zu Gründerszenes ...
3,453 Aufrufe - BTC: 13CJxLuCKmccDvJDDrxa57NUKy7UEXFogz - http:...
3,527 AufrufeGeneral partner - HashFlare: Partner - E-DINAR COIN Information partner - Bitcoin Garden EDR: koles-tv Intervi...
3,383 AufrufeDarmowy webinar o tym, w które kryptowaluty inwestować - ZAPISZ SIĘ TERAZ: Tutaj kupisz bitcoina i ethereum za złotówki: A na...
3,491 AufrufeBitcoin Buying Tutorial: Cryptocurrency Investing Tutorial: Crypto Love T-shirts and Mugs: Max Kordek CEO Interv...
4,796 AufrufeLisk's CEO Max Kordek and CTO Oliver Beddows review the achievements of 2017 and express their excitement for what's to come in 2018.
3,751 AufrufeLisk Berlin Blockchain Meetup: Financial Aspects Date: July 18th 2017 · 6:30 PM Location: WeWork Sony Center During this Lisk meetup we took a closer look a the financial aspects of Blockchain tech...
4,056 AufrufeJACOB KOWALEWSKI PROJECT LEAD OF LISK TOKEN 2049 HONG KONG SVK CRYPTO SVK Crypto catch up with Jacob the project lead at Lisk! Its great to see Lisk sharing the same community values that we have her...
4,820 AufrufeGeneral partner - E-DINAR COIN Information partner CoinIdol - Information partner - Bitcoin Garden The allow...
5,151 Aufrufe公式サイト: 0:01 Introduction 7:41 Marketing Community Update 16:46 Binance Announcement 19:06 Lisk Ecosystem Explained Simply 25:...
3,171 AufrufeLisk support community forum - Easy post youtube video
3,124 AufrufeIn just a month since its public launch, Ascend has already received over 3 Million in Lisk Voting Weight Pledged. We're striving to elevate a team of delegates the Lisk Community can be pro...
3,566 AufrufeHere is an example how easy the site is to share and talk about specific content.
3,169 AufrufeMat Piaggi published a community update for the past month. Let's ready it together!
3,316 AufrufeBitcoin and other cryptocurrency T-Shirts! Buy Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies at Binance! Join the Le...
3,502 AufrufeThe first class of the six-month joint FLCC-G.W. Lisk advanced manufacturing machinist program had jobs the day they graduated. Read more here:
3,039 AufrufeLisk has gone through ups and downs throughout 2017. There were some missed deadlines but the community held through and supported the team. With the new Relaunch, Lisk team presented a series of impr...
3,224 AufrufeLearn about Les Lisk: Les Lisk is a strong community leader, business man and retired teacher and principal. Les understands the issues facing the Greater City of Sudbury ...
2,991 AufrufeToday I was given the opportunity to interview the Community Manager of Lisk and Lightcurve to receive more insight on what is going on in the Lisk headquarters following the Relaunch event that took ...
9,641 AufrufeI hope you enjoy this interview I had with Mat Piaggi, Community Manager for Lisk. Thanks again Mat and the lisk team for coordinating! Check out Lisk for more info! ➡️ Cryptocu...
3,310 AufrufeLisk Community Meeting held on youtube 11/02/2017. Lisk Banner Initiative: Lisk Banners provided by (in order of appearance): peanhoy, Boaty McB...
3,095 AufrufeLisk adds 6 New members to the team! Half are developers while the other half are marketers. The balanced addition of new minds will definitely help the team progress and bring new features to the Lis...
2,918 AufrufeIt's that time again! We're hosting our second live streamed community meeting. Come join us and ask the people working behind the Lisk platform anything! In order to submit questio...
3,396 Aufrufe