★★★★ In association with TAC3 Initiatives, T-E-A-M (http://TAC3.LIFE/TEAM) has joined the movement at http://TAC3.FUTURENET.CLUB
{{{ Temporary video title // Temporary video description // Tem...
★★★★ In association with TAC3 Initiatives, T-E-A-M (http://TAC3.LIFE/TEAM) has joined the movement at http://TAC3.FUTURENET.CLUB
{{{ Temporary video title // Temporary video description // Tem...
★★★★ In association with TAC3 Initiatives, T-E-A-M (http://TAC3.LIFE/TEAM) has joined the movement at http://TAC3.FUTURENET.CLUB
{{{ Temporary video title // Temporary video description // Tem...
★★★★ In association with TAC3 Initiatives, T-E-A-M (http://TAC3.LIFE/TEAM) has joined the movement at http://TAC3.FUTURENET.CLUB
{{{ Temporary video title // Temporary video description // Tem...
★★★★ In association with TAC3 Initiatives, T-E-A-M (http://TAC3.LIFE/TEAM) has joined the movement at http://TAC3.FUTURENET.CLUB
{{{ Temporary video title // Temporary video description // Tem...
★★★★ In association with TAC3 Initiatives, T-E-A-M (http://TAC3.LIFE/TEAM) has joined the movement at http://TAC3.FUTURENET.CLUB {{{ Temporary video title // Temporary video description // ...
★★★★ In association with TAC3 Initiatives, T-E-A-M (http://TAC3.LIFE/TEAM) has joined the movement at http://TAC3.FUTURENET.CLUB
{{{ Temporary video title // Temporary video description // Tem...
★★★★ In association with TAC3 Initiatives, T-E-A-M (http://TAC3.LIFE/TEAM) has joined the movement at http://TAC3.FUTURENET.CLUB
{{{ Temporary video title // Temporary video description // Tem...
★★★★ In association with TAC3 Initiatives, T-E-A-M (http://TAC3.LIFE/TEAM) has joined the movement at http://TAC3.FUTURENET.CLUB
{{{ Temporary video title // Temporary video description // Tem...
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Hallo zusammen,
in diesem Interview spricht Dominik Schiener über Tokenpreis, Updates, private Ansichten und Partnerschaften der IOTA Foundation.
GANZ WICHTIG! Ich werde nicht von der IOTA Foundati...
Hallo zusammen,
dieses Mal wagt sich Dominik Schiener von der IOTA Foundation Live vor die Kamera!
Dominik kennt meine Fragen noch nicht und ich bin sehr gespannt auf seine Antworten!
Viel Spaß!
Das Corona-Virus beherrscht die Medien. Das gesellschaftliche Leben ist in einer Art und Weise aus dem Normalzustand gerissen, wie man es lange nicht erleben musste.
Aber wir müssen und sollten uns ...
Geld regiert die Welt. Nur, wer regiert das Geld?
Dies ist die letzte Folge der 52-teiligen Serie "THE WOLFF OF WALL STREET". Wirtschaftsjournalist Ernst Wolff erklärt uns heute: „Demo...