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Lisk Community Meeting held on youtube 11/02/2017.
Lisk Banner Initiative: https://forum.lisk.io/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=1407
Lisk Banners provided by (in order of appearance): peanhoy, Boaty McBoatFace, LitcoinCollector, punkrock and beebeecue
Bitcoin Italian Earthquake Relief Fund: https://helperbit.com/donateit.php?lang=en
Torino Bitcoin Meetup - Lisk: https://www.meetup.com/Meetup-Bitcoin-Torino/events/237397309/
Max Kordek - Lisk Foundation, President
Joel Fernandez - Lightcurve, Chief Operating Officer
Isabella Dell - Lightcurve, System Architect
Veröffentlicht: 7 years ago
Kategorie Video / BLOCKCHAIN:TV / LISK
Schlagwörter Lisk Community Meeting Lightcurve Cryptocurrency