Les Lisk for City Councillor Ward 9 Greater City of Sudbury Election 2014 Ausgewählte

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Learn about Les Lisk: http://www.leslisk.com

Les Lisk is a strong community leader, business man and retired teacher and principal. Les understands the issues facing the Greater City of Sudbury and its citizens in Ward 9. Les has a proven track record of making things happen for his community for youth, the environment and business development. He gets things done in a very cooperative and inclusive way.

Vote for Les Lisk for City Councillor for Ward 9, Greater City of Sudbury

To donate or volunteer please go to http://www.leslisk.com

Veröffentlicht: 6 years ago

Kategorie Video  /  BLOCKCHAIN:TV  /  LISK

Schlagwörter Sudbury Greater Sudbury Elections Les Lisk City Councillor Ward 9 Coniston South End

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