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17,559 AufrufeRead our report on the future of distributed ledger (or block chain) technology https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/distributed-ledger-technology-blackett-review
3,684 AufrufeAuthor of best seller "blockchain revolution", Alex share in this talk about how the blockchain the technology behind bitcoin Is changing money, business, and the world. Alex Tapsc...
3,353 AufrufeKathryn is sharing about the first case of the US government using blockchain to fight fraud. She is sharing about how they could shut down the silk road and even indicted federal agents in the proce...
3,599 AufrufeViolation de la vie privée, commerce de données, émergence d’inégalités… Ces questions nous concernent tous, elles nous dérangent. La blockchain est la nouvelle technologie du cyberespace q...
3,671 AufrufeOne of the most exciting aspects of blockchain technology, the disruptive innovation capturing global attention, is its potential as a tool for transparency. In the talk, you'll learn what a ...
3,083 AufrufeBlockchains are an exciting solution to an old problem, but the first blockchain was produced and is still maintained by a group of volunteers, releasing world-class software for all to use freely. ...
3,604 AufrufeWhat Bitcoin started is metamorphosing into something bigger: a blockchain driven economy with its own value creation, not unlike the Web’s own economy. With the Web, we had e-commerce, e-business, ...
2,952 AufrufeThe blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that underlies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It provides a way to record and transfer data that is transparent, safe, auditable, and resistant to out...
3,364 AufrufeThe meteoric rise of ethereum has fueled something of a gold rush for people looking to get in on the action by mining ether themselves. This requires building a custom “mining” computer from scra...
4,900 AufrufeUse Coinbase to start your journey and we both get $10 of free Bitcoin. https://www.coinbase.com/join/52b0b3e78b1d45cea200002f Subscribe to my newsletter at http://jasonpaige.com and get my Pokemo...
4,061 Aufrufe