Richie Etwaru, discusses the opportunity and implications of blockchain as a paradigm to slow/chose the expanding trust gap in commerce. He unpacks blockchain to a level of simplicity to be consumed b...
0 AufrufeHave you heard about the term “ledger” (an accounting term)? It’s all but a new concept; however technology is, once again, delivering beyond our expectations. Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ...
3,327 AufrufeChi non ha mai sentito parlare del Bitcoin? Il Bitcoin funziona grazie alla blockchain -un protocollo informatico - e permette di mandare soldi digitalmente senza avere bisogno di banche, Stati o di ...
2,987 AufrufePeople spend their entire lives in pursuit of money, but many individuals do not really understand what creates value. Nic's presentation will explore the history of money, look at recent his...
3,094 AufrufeJérôme Roussin calls for digital hygiene and a technical solution (the blockchain) to regain confidence and therefore serenity in our relationship with technology. Jérôme Roussin is a 38-year-old...
3,151 AufrufeYou won't find this data structure in your computer science textbooks yet, but it will soon underpin the way the entire Internet works. Let's talk about what the blockchain is and how it can...
3,577 AufrufeRichie Etwaru, discusses the opportunity and implications of blockchain as a paradigm to slow/chose the expanding trust gap in commerce. He unpacks blockchain to a level of simplicity to be consumed b...
6,176 AufrufeWhat is Bitcoin? and How do you mine it? Well, this video will go over Bitcoin mining and show you how to set up Bitcoin Mining Software on your computer. Bitcoin is a digital currency, which is supp...
3,634 AufrufeTelcoin is attempting to do money transfers using currencies! Telcoin is focused on connecting with mobile networks globally, enabling easy conversion between telecom mobile mon...
5,326 AufrufeMusic: "Holdin' On" by Flume ft. Freddie Gibbs Free download available at: Contact: Sources:...
6,285 AufrufeLearn about Les Lisk: Les Lisk is a strong community leader, business man and retired teacher and principal. Les understands the issues facing the Greater City of Sudbury ...
2,991 AufrufeBitcoin explained from the viewpoint of inventing your own cryptocurrency. These in-depth videos are made possible by patreon: Protocol Labs: Inte...
6,036 AufrufeWhat is Ethereum? A Simple Explanation Anyone Can understand You'll receive $10 in free bitcoin by signing up with this link Blockchain Revolution Book: http://amzn....
3,128 AufrufeCoinbase Referral Link: (Purchase $100 or more in Bitcoins, get $10 free bitcoin, I get $10 also) Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Crypto currencies in general have be somewhat of a myste...
1,492 AufrufeFull Writeup - 0:48 Iota Key Features 1:41 Iota Uses Tangle, Not Blockchain 1:45 Easiest way to understand Tangle 4:43 Internet of Things! (IoT) 6:14 Io...
3,128 Aufrufe