A blockchain that will change the rules of the game | Stefano Pepe | TEDxRoma Ausgewählte

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Chi non ha mai sentito parlare del Bitcoin?
Il Bitcoin funziona grazie alla blockchain -un protocollo informatico - e permette di mandare soldi digitalmente senza avere bisogno di banche, Stati o di una moneta sovrana. In cosa consiste? Quali sono le garanzie alla base del suo funzionamento. A quanti ambiti sarà applicabile questa tecnologia in futuro e con quale impatto?

Who hasn’t heard of the Bitcoin?
The Bitcoin works thanks to a blockchain - a computer protocol – and it allows one to send money digitally without the need of banks, states or sovereign currency. What does it consist of? What are the guarantees at the base of its functioning? How many areas will be applicable to this technology in the future, and with what impact?

An expert of blockchain technology, Pepe works in both Silicon Valley and Italy, and founded UniquID Inc, a start-up company dedicated to the verification of objects and web services for consenting its use in an easy, secure way.
For many years, Pepe has worked with passion to allow others to understand and take advantage of the capabilities of Bitcoin, the virtual money that allows for economic transactions with intermediary banking, and of blockchain, the working chain at the base of Bitcoin that enables the development of potentially unlimited, economic relations.
Bitcoin and Blockchain offer a new and often unexplored world,that Pepe has described in his book, “Investire BITCOIN,” published in the fall of 2014.
Pepe describes himself as a “growth hacker,” and his goal is to bring Blockchain all over the world, helping people, institutions, and organizations to bring out the best of his impressive innovation.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Veröffentlicht: 8 years ago

Kategorie Video  /  BLOCKCHAIN:TV  /  Blockchain

Schlagwörter TEDxTalks Italian Italy Business Economics Innovation

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