Witam wiele kryptowalut jak i Lisk(LSK) można zakupić na największej Polskiej giełdzie: https://auth.bitbay.net/ref/140169
Bankera is a bank for the blockchain era. ICO (initial coin offering) will start on the 27th of November 2017. More information you can find at https://Bankera.com
September 25th 2017. Vitalik Buterin in Seoul reacts to Jamie Dilon's comment that bitcoin is a fraud after reproter asks him about it. First 5 seconds of his answer are missing.
Quantocoin is a platform, a mobile application replacing a standard, traditional, slow and expensive financial system, and becoming a gateway for the next generation!!!
A film by Manuel Stagars
In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto invented bitcoin and the blockchain. For the first time in history, his invention made it possible to send ...