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A film by Manuel Stagars
In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto invented bitcoin and the blockchain. For the first time in history, his invention made it possible to send money around the globe without banks, governments or any other intermediaries. The concept of the blockchain isn’t very intuitive. But still, many people believe it is a game changer.
Economist and filmmaker Manuel Stagars portrays this exciting technology in interviews with software developers, cryptologists, researchers, entrepreneurs, consultants, VCs, authors, politicians, and futurists from the United States, Canada, Switzerland, the UK, and Australia.
The Blockchain and Us is no explainer video of the technology. It gives a view on the topic, makes it accessible and starts a conversation about its potential wider implications in a non-technical way. The film deliberately poses more questions than it answers.
For a deep dive, see all full-length interviews from the film here: http://www.blockchain-documentary.com/interviews
Conversations with (in alphabetical order)
David Birch
Director of Innovation, Consult Hyperion
Guildford, UK
Perianne Boring
Founder & President, Chamber of Digital Commerce
Washington, USA
Christian Decker
Core Tech Engineer, Blockstream
Zurich, Switzerland
Taylor Gerring
Co-Founder, Ethereum
Zug, Switzerland
Marco Carlo Grossi
Director Audit & Risk Advisory, Deloitte Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland
Caitlin Long
Chairman of the Board & President at Symbiont.io
New York, USA
R. Jesse McWaters
Financial Innovation Lead, World Economic Forum
New York, USA
Paul Meeusen
Head Finance and Treasury Services, Swiss Re
Zurich, Switzerland
Dolfi Müller
Mayor of the City of Zug
Zug, Switzerland
Matthew Roszak
Co-Founder & Chairman, Bloq
Chicago, USA
Guido Rudolphi
Founder, Cryptocash
Uster, Switzerland
Jan Seffinga
Partner, Deloitte Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland
Elizabeth Stark
Co-Founder & CEO, Lightning
San Francisco, USA
Alex Tapscott
Founder & CEO, Northwest Passage Ventures
Co-Author 'Blockchain Revolution'
Toronto, Canada
Lars Thomsen
Chief Futurist & Founder, Future Matters
Zurich, Switzerland
Eric Van der Kleij
Founder Adeptra, London Tech City, Level39. Adviser UK Govt, Kickstart Accelerator
London, UK
Roger Wattenhofer
Professor, Distributed Computing Group, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
Zurich, Switzerland
Rik Willard
Founder & Managing Director, Agentic Group
New York, USA
Steve Wilson
Digital Identity Innovator & Analyst
Sydney, Australia
Additional conversations and special thanks (in alphabetical order): Iris Belle, Ben Bledsoe, Thomas Bromehead, Richard Cheng, Dario Duran, Marie Farrar Knowles, Olga Feldmeier, Sony Fricker, Daniel Gasteiger, Daniel Grassinger, Johs. Hoehener, Richard Kastelein, Leanne Kemp, Thomas Kern, Francine Klopfenstein, Veronica Lange, Claire LaRocca, Adriano B. Lucatelli, Christian Mäder, Ruedi Maeder, Luzius Meisser, Michael Monceaux, Martin Müller, Mia Mutic, Ian Petchenik, Nathaniel Popper, Ramon Quesada, Kamesh Raghavendra, Brian Rogers, Jouko Salonen, Vadim Shamigulov, Raffaela Stelzer, Don Tapscott, Elizabeth Wesson
Many thanks to all conversation partners and all others who made this film possible
Additional thanks (in alphabetical order): Agentic Group, Blockchain News, Blockstream, Bloq, Chamber of Digital Commerce, Constellation Research, Consult Hyperion, Cryptocash, Deloitte Switzerland, Ethereum Foundation, Everledger, Flightradar24, Future Matters, ISO-20022.ch, Lightning, Lockstep Consulting, Municipality of Zug, nexussquared, Northwest Passage Ventures, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Swiss Re, Symbiont, World Economic Forum (WEF), Zurich Airport
Recording of live air traffic courtesy of Flightradar24
Russian subtitles: Vadim Shamigulov, Sergey Sevantsyan
Chinese subtitles: Richard Cheng
Dutch subtitles: Rein Jonkman
Spanish subtitles: Jose Felip Daras and Avalbit.org team
French translation: Thomas Bromehead
Many thanks to all individuals and teams who contributed additional subtitles and translations.
Cinematography, Editing, Music, Narration & Sound Design by Manuel Stagars
© 2017 Manuel Stagars
The goal of this film is to encourage the conversation about the economic and social impacts of blockchain technology. Participate in the comments and subscribe to the channel to stay in the loop.
Veröffentlicht: 8 years ago
Kategorie Video / BLOCKCHAIN:TV / Bitcoin
Schlagwörter blockchain documentary bitcoin tapscott distributed ledger ethereum