Invited by the digitalHUB Aachen the three old friends and co-founders of Bitcoin Aachen, Max Kordek, Christian Junger, and Yan Schreier came together in the Digital Church in Aachen. Over three talks...
4,909 AufrufeThis talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Tech entrepreneur and mathematician Charles Hoskinson says Bitcoin-related technology is about to revolutionis...
3,066 AufrufeRead our report on the future of distributed ledger (or block chain) technology
3,697 AufrufeAuthor of best seller "blockchain revolution", Alex share in this talk about how the blockchain the technology behind bitcoin Is changing money, business, and the world. Alex Tapsc...
3,355 AufrufeA short story on how this new technology is shaping and moving beyond the bitcoin hype. In this talk, Daniel will attempt to reveal the principle behind Blockchain, its potential to defy current syste...
3,250 Aufrufe"Blockchain Disruption: How Bitcoin Technology Creates a Sharing Economy" at TEDxHamburg ( Thomas Ramge is the technology correspondent of the German busin...
3,324 AufrufeRussel talks about the opportunities of blockchain technology as a means to speed up the process of transparency and increase trust at the same time. Together with his long-time friends and former co...
2,879 AufrufeWe use the internet everyday, traveling from one website to the next, but most of us don’t know what happens to our data as we sign in and out of different sites. Blockstack Inc cofounder Muneeb Ali...
2,997 AufrufeAdrian argues for the importance of trust in our voting systems. He explains why blockchain is the innovation that can ensure trust in electronic voting systems and strengthen democracy. Adrian Peter...
3,023 AufrufeOne of the most exciting aspects of blockchain technology, the disruptive innovation capturing global attention, is its potential as a tool for transparency. In the talk, you'll learn what a ...
3,085 AufrufeMatan Field believes we are standing at the dawn of a new era, a turning point in society, and invites us in to this changing world. First introduced by the anonymous Bitcoin inventor, Blockchain is a...
3,091 AufrufeBlockchains are an exciting solution to an old problem, but the first blockchain was produced and is still maintained by a group of volunteers, releasing world-class software for all to use freely. ...
3,610 AufrufeJérôme Roussin calls for digital hygiene and a technical solution (the blockchain) to regain confidence and therefore serenity in our relationship with technology. Jérôme Roussin is a 38-year-old...
3,151 AufrufeFoteini Baldimtsi is a rising star in the world of cryptography and blockchain technologies. Her talk is a practical guide on how blockchain has brought about the revolution of bitcoin, a currency tha...
3,179 Aufrufe"It is time to allay our suspicion on FinTech and start exploring technologies like 'Smart Contracts' and 'Blockchain', owing to their decentralized and tr...
3,661 Aufrufe