Hesapa düşen 9 kat coinleri burADAn görebilirsiniz <p>INFINITY ist KEINE Firma, sondern eine vollst&auml;ndig f&uuml;hrungslose dezentrale autonome ...
3,094 AufrufePLATINCOIN - The Coin-(R)EVOLUTION !!! Register free: http://blockchaintv.de/platincoin PLC Coin START only wit...
3,553 AufrufeInvited by the digitalHUB Aachen the three old friends and co-founders of Bitcoin Aachen, Max Kordek, Christian Junger, and Yan Schreier came together in the Digital Church in Aachen. Over three talks...
4,909 AufrufeThe blockchain project that has gotten the most traction is Ethereum. Led by the enigmatic Vitalik Buterin and a constellation of coders and venture capitalists, Ethereum could one day run the world. ...
6,619 AufrufeA film by Manuel Stagars http://www.blockchain-documentary.com In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto invented bitcoin and the blockchain. For the first time in history, his invention made it possible to send ...
4,080 AufrufeEin Film von Manuel Stagars http://www.blockchain-documentary.com/d (For the English version with subtitles see: https://youtu.be/2iF73cybTBs) 2008 erfand Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin und die Block...
0 AufrufeEin Film von Manuel Stagars http://www.blockchain-documentary.com/d (For the English version with subtitles see: https://youtu.be/2iF73cybTBs) 2008 erfand Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin und die Block...
12 AufrufeAuthor of best seller "blockchain revolution", Alex share in this talk about how the blockchain the technology behind bitcoin Is changing money, business, and the world. Alex Tapsc...
3,355 AufrufeExposición que explica los motivos por los que blockchain será el protocolo que dominará las comunicaciones comerciales del futuro así como su origen a partir de las implementaciones de bitcoin y ...
3,677 AufrufeIn this TEDx talk, #JuanLlanos talks about his personal experience with inflation & hyper-inflation, as a real historic issue for all countries in the world, which is in addition to financial ...
3,433 AufrufeEin Film von Manuel Stagars http://www.blockchain-documentary.com/d (For the English version with subtitles see: https://youtu.be/2iF73cybTBs) 2008 erfand Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin und die Block...
10,154 AufrufeThe blockchain project that has gotten the most traction is Ethereum. Led by the enigmatic Vitalik Buterin and a constellation of coders and venture capitalists, Ethereum could one day run the world. ...
84 AufrufeTalks at Google in London were delighted to welcome Alex Tapscott to talk about his book Blockchain Revolution, looking at how the technology behind Bitcoin can reshape the world of business and trans...
3,615 AufrufeThis is what you need in order to mine BitCoins or other crypto-currencies. This hardware guide tells you what you will need to buy to get started. Keep in mind that power consumption and heat are y...
4,149 AufrufeDieses Video ist eine Art Q&A (Frage & Antwort) zu meinem ersten Video über Ethereum bzw allgemeinen Fragen die Kryptowährungen-Interessierte betreffen! Entschuldigung dass mein Kopf nur zur...
3,367 Aufrufe