IOTA - 100 Billion Reasons Why Ausgewählte

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It's estimated that by 2025, there will be 100 Billion global IoT devices, sending data and transferring value in the new Machine-to-Machine reality. As everything becomes a 'smart device' in the coming Economy of Things, what will be the underlying protocol that makes this all work?

Terry Shane, Founder of the bIOTAsphere in Toronto, and CEO of Refined Data Solutions explains why IOTA is the only Distributed Ledger Technology available today, that can achieve the scale and utility required.

If you are hoping that blockchain-based solutions were going to solve for this, Terry suggests that you might want to think again about where to place your bets.

This presentation was delivered as a keynote speech at the Blockchain Opportunities Summit, held in Toronto, Canada.

Veröffentlicht: 6 years ago

Kategorie Video  /  BLOCKCHAIN:TV  /  IOTA

Schlagwörter IOTA Blockchain bIOTAsphere IoT

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