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How to build your ethereum mining rig OPEN AIR frame for mining ether!
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How to build your ethereum mining rig OPEN AIR frame for mining ether!
Rig is built from aluminium angle and some wood. Parts needed fro standart size frame built:
4x55cm aluminium angle
4x35cm aluminium angle
4x30cm aluminium angle
1x55cm wood
5x35cm wood
If you looking to buy frame here is link : https://mineshop.eu/frames-cases/open-air-case-frame-detail
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How to build your ethereum mining rig OPEN AIR frame for mining ether!
Veröffentlicht: 7 years ago
Kategorie Video / BLOCKCHAIN:TV / Ethereum
Schlagwörter ethereum mining rig how to build ethereum mining rig mining rig frame how to build mining rig frame mining rig frame fro 6 gpu how to build 6 gpu mining rig frame build your mining rig frame from scrach how to mine ethereum ethereum classic mining rig frame rig frame mining frame mining case ethereum mining case open air mining case how to build open air mining frame how to build ethereum open air case