WE GO CRYPTO Lauch 2017 Infinity Economics Blockchain Revolution. Registrierung: http://blockchaintv.de/infinity Werde ein Teil der digitalen Revolution! We go Crypto Network basiert auf der...
3,913 viewsWie lege ich mir ein Infinity Wallet an - Infinity Economics Blockchain Revolution 2017 EBook Dowload: https://goo.gl/DuxB77 Registrierung: http://blockchaintv.de/infinity . Werde ein Teil de...
3,841 viewsIOTA is a revolutionary distributed ledger for the Internet of Things (IoT). In his presentation, Dominik Schiener takes a closer look at what IOTA is, and how it can help solve fundamental problems i...
6,541 viewsMehr zum Thema: goo.gl/4CfpMk Gründerszene ist das Magazin für Gründer, startups und Investoren aus der Digitalwirtschaft. Neuigkeiten und Porträts aus der Szene zählen ebenso zu Gründerszenes ...
3,414 viewsSee what happened during our last meetup of 2017 and listen to founder Max Kordek wrap up the year and share our plans for 2018.
3,184 viewsMax Kordek (President, Lisk Foundation) speaks about "Bringing value to the internet - a Berlin blockchain hotspot perspective" at hub.berlin on November 28th 2017. hub.berlin is Eu...
3,320 viewsLisk's CEO Max Kordek and CTO Oliver Beddows review the achievements of 2017 and express their excitement for what's to come in 2018.
3,708 viewsPLATINCOIN-REVOLUTION Innovative crypto system Platincoin (PLC) – future technology – huge community – an enormous market – independence of banks – le...
4,389 viewsInvited by the digitalHUB Aachen the three old friends and co-founders of Bitcoin Aachen, Max Kordek, Christian Junger, and Yan Schreier came together in the Digital Church in Aachen. Over three talks...
4,876 viewsEthereum's Vitalik Buterin, Blockstream's Austin Hill, and Pantera Capital's Steve Waterhouse talk to John Biggs about separating Bitcoin from the blockchain and other uses that might e...
3,682 viewsFilmé à L'ÉCHAPPÉE, le 28 mai 2016. Plus d'informations sur http://www.lechappeevolee.com Santiago Siri est le fondateur et président de Democracy Earth, une organisation à bu...
3,487 viewsLorne Lantz on "New Kids on the Blockchain" at TEDxHamburgSalon (http://www.tedxhamburg.de) Lorne Lantz is a passionate bitcoin entrepreneur and educator who has built multiple fina...
3,079 viewsHave you heard about the term “ledger” (an accounting term)? It’s all but a new concept; however technology is, once again, delivering beyond our expectations. Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ...
3,292 viewsAdrian argues for the importance of trust in our voting systems. He explains why blockchain is the innovation that can ensure trust in electronic voting systems and strengthen democracy. Adrian Peter...
2,999 viewsPeople spend their entire lives in pursuit of money, but many individuals do not really understand what creates value. Nic's presentation will explore the history of money, look at recent his...