IOTA is a revolutionary distributed ledger for the Internet of Things (IoT). In his presentation, Dominik Schiener takes a closer look at what IOTA is, and how it can help solve fundamental problems i...
Full Writeup -
0:48 Iota Key Features
1:41 Iota Uses Tangle, Not Blockchain
1:45 Easiest way to understand Tangle
4:43 Internet of Things! (IoT)
6:14 Io...
What Bitcoin started is metamorphosing into something bigger: a blockchain driven economy with its own value creation, not unlike the Web’s own economy. With the Web, we had e-commerce, e-business, ...
Geld verdienen mit Kryptocoins:
*D* BLOCKCHAIN:TV ist ein Videoportal rund um Bitcoin, Blockchain & Krypt...
Live from our Industry Strategy Meeting in San Francisco - While blockchain enthusiasts project the technology will account for 10% of global GDP by 2025, skeptics and support...