The global economy is in crisis. The exponential exhaustion of natural resources, declining productivity, slow growth, rising unemployment, and steep inequality, forces us to rethink our economic mode...
The price of Bitcoin has just blown by the price of gold crossing at $1,239. Yes, the price of gold is manipulated so it may not be a fair fight BUT it clearly supports the future viability of Bitcoin...
Holt euch erstmal einen Kaffee.
Einmal die Woche, gibt's von mir den Sonntagsplausch.
Halbwissen, meine Meinung, was ist überhaupt passiert?
Gibt mir bitte Rückmeldung, wenn euch was ...
Global Jobcoin is an ERC20 decentralized token to pay for
services related to employment. Using the Ethereum block chain
we are creating this token for employers & employees worldwide.
Whether or not it's worth investing in, the math behind Bitcoin is an elegant solution to some complex problems.
Hosted by: Michael Aranda
Special Thanks: Dalton Hubble
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