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Hallo zusammen, dieses Video ist mein 1000 Abonnenten Special inklusive Outtakes. Viel Spaß! Telegram Gruppe (Blocktrainer): ► https://t.me/joinchat/HpIfGBI3tv0NlBe4OzRrkw Twitter: ► https://tw...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,359 Aufrufe0:01 Introduction 7:41 Marketing Community Update 16:46 Binance Announcement 19:06 Lisk Ecosystem Explained Simply 25:51 Lisk-JS 38:25 Lisky 48:25 Development Roadmap ...
Durch Blockchain:TV 2,965 AufrufeThis is what you need in order to mine BitCoins or other crypto-currencies. This hardware guide tells you what you will need to buy to get started. Keep in mind that power consumption and heat are y...
Durch Blockchain:TV 4,128 AufrufeChi non ha mai sentito parlare del Bitcoin? Il Bitcoin funziona grazie alla blockchain -un protocollo informatico - e permette di mandare soldi digitalmente senza avere bisogno di banche, Stati o di ...
Durch Blockchain:TV 2,961 AufrufeПодпишитесь на канал Россия24: https://www.youtube.com/c/russia24tv?sub_confirmation=1 На то, чтобы сфера криптовалют стабилизировалас...
Durch Blockchain:TV 5,219 Aufrufe