iotA is a revolutionary distributed ledger for the Internet of Things (iot). In his presentation, Dominik Schiener takes a closer look at what iotA is, and how it can help solve fundamental problems i...
6,591 AufrufeSo erstellt ihr euch eure #Bitcoin #Wallet. Viel Spaß! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electrum downloaden: So nutzt ihr eure Walle...
3 AufrufeSo erstellt ihr euch eure #Bitcoin #Wallet. Viel Spaß! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electrum downloaden: So nutzt ihr eure Walle...
6,561 AufrufeThe blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that underlies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It provides a way to record and transfer data that is transparent, safe, auditable, and resistant to out...
3,366 Aufrufe - AiGang is a decentralized digital insurance protocol that can be used to buy insurance for smart items, such as smart phones, drones, and even smart fridges. 0:48 What is Sm...
3,595 AufrufeNOTICE: PUBLIC KEY MUST BE REGISTERED for your to participate in this ICO. See details: Follow me on Steemit: https://...
8,463 AufrufeIn this video I will discuss a potential investment opportunity in Waltonchain (WTC) . Additionally, I will go over the Minerva ICO. Walton can be purchased on the Binance exchange.
3,344 AufrufeExciting News for the Lisk community! Through the recent meetup, the Lisk team has announced the Rebranding/Relaunch date and features for the upcoming upgrades! Changes to fee and start of the SDK an...
2,968 AufrufeBitcoin and other cryptocurrency T-Shirts! Buy Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies at Binance! Join the Le...
4,051 AufrufeLisk adds 6 New members to the team! Half are developers while the other half are marketers. The balanced addition of new minds will definitely help the team progress and bring new features to the Lis...
2,917 AufrufeLisk has gone through ups and downs throughout 2017. There were some missed deadlines but the community held through and supported the team. With the new Relaunch, Lisk team presented a series of impr...
3,223 AufrufeBitcoin and other cryptocurrency T-Shirts! Buy Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies at Binance! Join the Le...
3,502 AufrufeLisk President, Max Kordek and another team member is on their Asia Tour currently. On the way, they visited Bithumb, one of the highest volume of Cryptocurrency exchange across of the world and talke...
6,723 AufrufeIn diesem Video habe Ich Max Kordek zum Lisk interviewt. Dazu konntet Ihr mir per Telegram Fragen zukommen lassen die Max in diesem Interview alle beantwortet hat. In diesem Interview werden viele F...
3,206 AufrufeNach der Rallye samt Korrektur ist der Bitcoin wieder zurück im Blick der Anleger. Aber was ist eigentlich der faire Wert der Kryptowährung? Blockchain-Experte Julian Hosp erklärt uns exklusiv sein...
4,088 Aufrufe