Aigang - Blockchain protocol for Smart Insurance [sponsored post] Ausgewählte

3,465 Aufrufe

0   0 - AiGang is a decentralized digital insurance protocol that can be used to buy insurance for smart items, such as smart phones, drones, and even smart fridges.
0:48 What is Smart Insurance
1:14 What is AiGang App example
2:48 Insurance for Internet of Things
4:53 Advantages and Disadvantages of AiGang
6:46 AiGang team
7:16 Token Sale Details

**This is a sponsored post - Please do you thorough independent research. **

Veröffentlicht: 7 years ago

Kategorie Video  /  BLOCKCHAIN:TV  /  Blockchain

Schlagwörter Aigang internet of things ai gang IoT blockchain smart contracts ethereum Smart Insurance

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