General partner - HashFlare: Partner - E-DINAR COIN Information partner - Bitcoin Garden EDR: koles-tv Intervi...
3,390 AufrufeHow digital currencies are our future and the power of this new movement. Galia Benartzi is an entrepreneur and community builder from California and Israel. She studied Comparative Literature at Dar...
4,233 AufrufeChi non ha mai sentito parlare del Bitcoin? Il Bitcoin funziona grazie alla blockchain -un protocollo informatico - e permette di mandare soldi digitalmente senza avere bisogno di banche, Stati o di ...
2,991 AufrufeNOTICE: PUBLIC KEY MUST BE REGISTERED for your to participate in this ICO. See details: Follow me on Steemit: https://...
8,543 AufrufeToday I was given the opportunity to interview the Community Manager of Lisk and Lightcurve to receive more insight on what is going on in the Lisk headquarters following the Relaunch event that took ...
9,753 AufrufeGenesis Mining: Discount Code: 6EFDl3 ** Leaving my Genesis code above, in case you want to use it, but I am no longer going to recommend it for investing due t...
3,146 AufrufePunk Monk Propaganda's film clip created for the wonderful ARIA honey & rock icon iOTA and this incredible song. Written, produced & directed by Victoria Waghorn, this is a po...
3,076 AufrufeHolt euch erstmal einen Kaffee. Einmal die Woche, gibt's von mir den Sonntagsplausch. Halbwissen, meine Meinung, was ist überhaupt passiert? Gibt mir bitte Rückmeldung, wenn euch was ...
3,342 AufrufeMy website: Iota wants to reach a $5 price, therefore it is expanding its data marketplace with partnerships from Nordic Semiconductors and NTNU ---------------- Fr...
3,539 AufrufeIt’s Invest Diva's Kiana Danial with News BTC and here is your cryptocurrency update. IOTA was among the top losers in top 10 on Monday despite rumors that the foun...
3,302 AufrufeSubscribe === === In this video Dvir talks about bullish predictions for all of us to get crazy rich and discusses if Tron, IOTA, and Dash are undervalued.
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5,554 AufrufeDen vollständigen STANDPUNKTE-Text (inkl ggf. Quellenhinweisen und Links) findet ihr hier: (!...
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