Lisk Berlin Blockchain Meetup: Financial Aspects Date: July 18th 2017 · 6:30 PM Location: WeWork Sony Center During this Lisk meetup we took a closer look a the financial aspects of Blockchain tech...
4,080 AufrufeA film by Manuel Stagars In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto invented bitcoin and the blockchain. For the first time in history, his invention made it possible to send ...
4,082 AufrufeEin Film von Manuel Stagars (For the English version with subtitles see: 2008 erfand Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin und die Block...
0 AufrufeEin Film von Manuel Stagars (For the English version with subtitles see: 2008 erfand Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin und die Block...
12 AufrufeEin Film von Manuel Stagars (For the English version with subtitles see: 2008 erfand Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin und die Block...
10,170 AufrufeYou won't find this data structure in your computer science textbooks yet, but it will soon underpin the way the entire Internet works. Let's talk about what the blockchain is and how it can...
3,584 AufrufeWhat is Bitcoin? and How do you mine it? Well, this video will go over Bitcoin mining and show you how to set up Bitcoin Mining Software on your computer. Bitcoin is a digital currency, which is supp...
3,644 AufrufeI hope you enjoy this interview I had with Mat Piaggi, Community Manager for Lisk. Thanks again Mat and the lisk team for coordinating! Check out Lisk for more info! ➡️ Cryptocu...
3,316 AufrufeMeet Max Kordek, entrepreneur, engineer, investor, blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiast. Max was born in Germany, in 1991. He has studied at Aachen Technical University (RWTH Aachen) in electrical...
3,822 AufrufeDr. Andreas Böhm vom Cluster Automotive spricht mit Jacek Burger von EDAG engineering GmbH über IOTA, ein "Distributed Ledger" für IoT, inkl. für Automotive. Wir laden zum Gespräch e...
3,638 AufrufeIt’s Invest Diva's Kiana Danial with News BTC and here is your cryptocurrency update. IOTA was among the top losers in top 10 on Monday despite rumors that the foun...
3,301 AufrufeHallo zusammen, in diesem Video spreche ich über die aktuellen Forschungen und Entwicklungen der IOTA Foundation. Viel Spaß! Telegram Gruppe (Blocktrainer): ►
3,004 Aufrufe