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DONATIONS :) » IOTA: Please ask. Looking for your own weather station? IOTA Tee's: Wanna learn more about digi...
Por Blockchain:TV 6,026 VistasIt's estimated that by 2025, there will be 100 Billion global IoT devices, sending data and transferring value in the new Machine-to-Machine reality. As everything becomes a "smart device&qu...
Por Blockchain:TV 9,908 VistasWhat is a blockchain and how do they work? I'll explain why blockchains are so special in simple and plain English!
Por Blockchain:TV 4,414 VistasMatan Field believes we are standing at the dawn of a new era, a turning point in society, and invites us in to this changing world. First introduced by the anonymous Bitcoin inventor, Blockchain is a...
Por Blockchain:TV 3,098 VistasINFINITY ist KEINE Firma, sondern eine vollständig führungslose dezentrale autonome Organisation (DAO) und vollständig auf die Mitglieder verteilte Finanz-Plattform, die sic...
Por Blockchain:TV 4,799 Vistas