Rajesh Dhuddu defines the term 'Bitcoin' & 'Blockchains' in the global payment industry for merchants and consumers alike. He is currently leading the Marke...
3,397 AufrufeSay hello to the decentralized economy — the blockchain is about to change everything. In this lucid explainer of the complex (and confusing) Technology, Bettina Warburg describes how the blockchain...
3,504 AufrufeThe animal kingdom contains numerous examples of individuals cooperating with one another to achieve impressive outcomes without the need for planning, control, or even direct communication between ag...
2,840 AufrufeRussel talks about the opportunities of blockchain Technology as a means to speed up the process of transparency and increase trust at the same time. Together with his long-time friends and former co...
2,855 AufrufeWe use the internet everyday, traveling from one website to the next, but most of us don’t know what happens to our data as we sign in and out of different sites. Blockstack Inc cofounder Muneeb Ali...
2,958 AufrufeThe success of the digital currency Bitcoin is due in large part to its underlying architecture, the block chain. The block chain is distributed-ledger Technology that enables payments and other trans...
2,977 AufrufeHow digital currencies are our future and the power of this new movement. Galia Benartzi is an entrepreneur and community builder from California and Israel. She studied Comparative Literature at Dar...
3,956 AufrufeDans ce talk pédagogique, Claire BALVA nous explique les enjeux de la Blockchain et en quoi elle a le potentiel de changer de manière structurelle nos rapports en société. Qu'il s&apo...
3,257 AufrufeHave you heard about the term “ledger” (an accounting term)? It’s all but a new concept; however Technology is, once again, delivering beyond our expectations. Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ...
3,288 AufrufeTED talk - "It's our second kick of the can to get things right!" What is the blockchain? If you don't know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need som...
3,092 AufrufeViolation de la vie privée, commerce de données, émergence d’inégalités… Ces questions nous concernent tous, elles nous dérangent. La blockchain est la nouvelle technologie du cyberespace q...
3,637 AufrufeIs it possible to run an organization without managers, employees or even a formal head office? Can it be run entirely decentralized and autonomous? Christoph will present blockchain enabled governmen...
3,328 AufrufeAdrian argues for the importance of trust in our voting systems. He explains why blockchain is the innovation that can ensure trust in electronic voting systems and strengthen democracy. Adrian Peter...
2,997 AufrufeChi non ha mai sentito parlare del Bitcoin? Il Bitcoin funziona grazie alla blockchain -un protocollo informatico - e permette di mandare soldi digitalmente senza avere bisogno di banche, Stati o di ...
2,955 AufrufeOne of the most exciting aspects of blockchain Technology, the disruptive innovation capturing global attention, is its potential as a tool for transparency. In the talk, you'll learn what a ...
3,053 Aufrufe