IOTA is a revolutionary distributed ledger for the Internet of Things (IoT). In his presentation, Dominik Schiener takes a closer look at what IOTA is, and how it can help solve fundamental problems i...
6,592 AufrufeMehr zum Thema: Gründerszene ist das Magazin für Gründer, Startups und Investoren aus der Digitalwirtschaft. Neuigkeiten und Porträts aus der Szene zählen ebenso zu Gründerszenes ...
3,455 AufrufeMax Kordek (President, Lisk Foundation) speaks about "Bringing value to the internet - a Berlin blockchain hotspot perspective" at on November 28th 2017. is Eu...
3,354 AufrufePLATINCOIN-REVOLUTION Innovative crypto system Platincoin (PLC) – future technology – huge community – an enormous market – independence of banks – le...
4,421 AufrufeEthereum's Vitalik Buterin, Blockstream's Austin Hill, and Pantera Capital's Steve Waterhouse talk to John Biggs about separating Bitcoin from the blockchain and other uses that might e...
3,710 AufrufeFilmé à L'ÉCHAPPÉE, le 28 mai 2016. Plus d'informations sur Santiago Siri est le fondateur et président de Democracy Earth, une organisation à bu...
3,509 AufrufeLorne Lantz on "New Kids on the Blockchain" at TEDxHamburgSalon ( Lorne Lantz is a passionate bitcoin entrepreneur and educator who has built multiple fina...
3,109 AufrufeHave you heard about the term “ledger” (an accounting term)? It’s all but a new concept; however technology is, once again, delivering beyond our expectations. Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ...
3,327 AufrufePeople spend their entire lives in pursuit of money, but many individuals do not really understand what creates value. Nic's presentation will explore the history of money, look at recent his...
3,094 AufrufeJérôme Roussin calls for digital hygiene and a technical solution (the blockchain) to regain confidence and therefore serenity in our relationship with technology. Jérôme Roussin is a 38-year-old...
3,151 AufrufeWhat Bitcoin started is metamorphosing into something bigger: a blockchain driven economy with its own value creation, not unlike the Web’s own economy. With the Web, we had e-commerce, e-business, ...
2,953 AufrufeThe blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that underlies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It provides a way to record and transfer data that is transparent, safe, auditable, and resistant to out...
3,368 AufrufeSupport the show, consider donating: BTC: 1CD83r9EzFinDNWwmRW4ssgCbhsM5bxXwg ( ETH: 0x8cdb49ca5103Ce06717C4daBBFD4857183f50935 ( Numerai F...
3,301 AufrufeIn dieser Folge sprechen wir mit Max Kordek – dem Mitgründer und CEO von Lisk – über: ✔ Bitcoin und Blockchain ✔ Lisk als Framework für dezentrale JavaScript-Applikationen ✔ Vorteile und...
3,827 AufrufeВиталик Бутерин основатель #криптовалюты #Эфириум (Ethereum) лекция в Москве 11 апреля 2017! ➤ Виталик #Бутерин (род....
5,061 Aufrufe