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You are now able to register and verificate at, the first direct Euro/IOTA exchange! CoinFalcon added IOTA/Euro Pairing at their exchange! ...
Por Blockchain:TV 4,626 Vistasmehr Infos unter
Por Blockchain:TV 3,198 VistasCEBIT d!talk | 12.06.2018 | Panel Discussion "Paneldiscussion: Blockchain in Future Mobility", Tijen Onaran, Fabian Freiter (Product Owner, Volkswagen Financial Services AG), Nicolai Bartkow...
Por Blockchain:TV 3,077 VistasThis was a presentation given to 400 people in Auckland, New Zealand at the Marketing Association Digital Day Out in June 2016.
Por Blockchain:TV 3,366 VistasDeveloped from scratch, the TANGLE architecture has brought the most advanced and revolutionary cryptocurrency ever created, IOTA. Learn more at the official website Join our sla...
Por Blockchain:TV 3,073 Vistas