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Max Kordek shares the story behind his passion for Blockchain technology, and dropping out of university to co-found Lisk. 1/4 Max is a tech entrepreneur and globally recognised blockchain visionar...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,949 Aufrufe★★★★ In association with TAC3 Initiatives, T-E-A-M (http://TAC3.LIFE/TEAM) has joined the movement at http://TAC3.FUTURENET.CLUB {{{ Temporary video title // Temporary video description // Tem...
Durch Blockchain:TV 2,982 Aufrufe“Every now and then, a truly stellar new technology emerges, and it always takes us to places we never imagined,” says blockchain specialist Mike Schwartz. Like the combustion engine, the telephon...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,313 AufrufeIs it too late to invest in Ethereum? Ethereum has risen almost 3000% in value in the past 6 months. There is both a lot of excitement and fear in the market right now - is it too late to invest in ...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,870 AufrufeHallo zusammen, in diesem Video spreche ich über meine persönliche Abneigung Ripple gegenüber. #Ripple #DCG #Machtmonopol Viel Spaß! Telegram Gruppe (Blocktrainer): ► https://t.me/joinchat/Hp...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,127 Aufrufe