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Coinbase Referral Link: http://bit.ly/2t0EnXu (Purchase $100 or more in Bitcoins, get $10 free bitcoin, I get $10 also) Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Crypto currencies in general have be somewhat of a myste...
Durch Blockchain:TV 1,494 AufrufeTalks at Google in London were delighted to welcome Alex Tapscott to talk about his book Blockchain Revolution, looking at how the technology behind Bitcoin can reshape the world of business and trans...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,618 AufrufeMatan Field believes we are standing at the dawn of a new era, a turning point in society, and invites us in to this changing world. First introduced by the anonymous Bitcoin inventor, Blockchain is a...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,093 AufrufeWas ist eigentlich Bitcoin? Was kann es und wo ist der Unterschied zu "normalem Geld"? Schau auch auf: https://www.btc-echo.de/ vorbei! ✅
Durch Blockchain:TV 5,088 AufrufeEin Film von Manuel Stagars http://www.blockchain-documentary.com/d (For the English version with subtitles see: https://youtu.be/2iF73cybTBs) 2008 erfand Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin und die Block...
Durch Blockchain:TV 12 Aufrufe