Wie läuft das eigentlich bei der Besteuerung von Kryptowährungen ab? Kryptowährungen steuerfrei? Spekulation mit Kryptowährungen?
Auch Cloud-Mining, Mining und anderes fällt unter das deutsche...
This session dives into the uses of blockchain technology in the IoT space, examples of how it is already being applied, why and how it can be significant in enabling new capabilities.
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Jeremy Rubin, Technical Director of the MIT Bitcoin Project, is going to explain 'what the bleep' Bi...
Today I sit down with Thomas Schouten to discuss Lisk and talk about what the rebrand means, how community development is going, and talk about Max Kordek's personal stake in seeing Lisk succ...