In this video, I introduce the Basic Attention Token (Bat) Initial Coin Offering (ICO). The BAT, a token based on the Ethereum technology, can be used to obtain a variety of advertising and attention-...
Exciting News for the Lisk community! Through the recent meetup, the Lisk team has announced the Rebranding/Relaunch date and features for the upcoming upgrades! Changes to fee and start of the SDK an...
The global economy is in crisis. The exponential exhaustion of natural resources, declining productivity, slow growth, rising unemployment, and steep inequality, forces us to rethink our economic mode...
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In diesem extrem interessanten Erfolgs-Talk spricht MLM Coach und Vertriebsexperte Tobias Schlosser vom REKRU-TIER mit Artjom Chechik Top-Distributor bei Juice PLUS...
This tour can be one of the best choices for any tourism. This continent, with its very good climate and the richness of its rich and fertile soils, brings the name of a green continent to one of the ...
Die letzte Folge für 2018 ist im Kasten! Neue Themen, und euer Mitwirken ist wieder gefragt!
Oliver Bohl wurde abgelöst, Benjamin Müller und Thorsten Seehofer sind die beiden neue Titelträge...