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A film by Manuel Stagars http://www.blockchain-documentary.com In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto invented bitcoin and the blockchain. For the first time in history, his invention made it possible to send ...
Durch Blockchain:TV 4,058 Aufrufe#blockchain, #worlwideledger, #digital, #innovation, #internet, #future, #security, #privacy, #society, #software, #trust, #diammonds, #technology, #time, #womenintechnology, #newtechnology, #tech, #s...
Durch Blockchain:TV 2,876 AufrufeBLOCKCHAIN:TV: http://blockchaintv.de Geld verdienen mit Kryptocoins: http://blockchain.server-mic1.de/wgc/index.php *D* BLOCKCHAIN:TV ist ein Videoportal rund um Bitcoin, Blockchain &...
Durch Blockchain:TV 2,254 AufrufeIn order to submit questions to our community meeting, head over to https://www.sli.do/ and use the event code #Lisk. Make sure to tag every question with the name of the person it's directed...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,101 AufrufePLATINCOIN - The Coin-(R)EVOLUTION !!! Register free: http://blockchaintv.de/platincoin PLC Coin START only wit...
Durch Blockchain:TV 3,525 Aufrufe