mehr unter In diesem inspirierenden Erfolgs-Talk spricht MLM Coach und Vertriebsexperte Tobias Schlosser vom REKRU-TIER mit Dr. Sven Goebel, Network Marketing Professional und...
2,943 Aufrufemehr unter In diesem extrem interessanten Erfolgs-Talk spricht unser REKRU-TIER mit Michael Thomale, Top-Leader beim Softwarekonzern BONOFA AG. Michael Thomale kommt ursprü...
3,134 AufrufeAuthor of best seller "blockchain revolution", Alex share in this talk about how the blockchain the technology behind bitcoin Is changing money, business, and the world. Alex Tapsc...
3,355 AufrufeThe internet brings much more changes than we could possibly ever imagine, typical of a very disruptive technology, as the generation who invents it can only think of the new technology in terms of wh...
3,525 AufrufeIn this Video Dr. Vivek Bindra discusses about Bitcoin. Dr Vivek Bindra shares in detail whether you should invest in Bitcoin or not. Dr Vivek Bindra shares his viewpoint about who should invest in Bi...
5,716 Aufrufe Live from our Industry Strategy Meeting in San Francisco - While blockchain enthusiasts project the technology will account for 10% of global GDP by 2025, skeptics and support...
3,826 Aufrufe