Let's build a decentralized ticket service using Ethereum! Ethereum is the 2nd biggest cryptocurrency in market cap behind Bitcoin and offers a Turing-complete blockchain. Using Ethereum + IP...
Ist die NEM Foundation nun pleite?.
Discord-Server (Blocktrainer)
► https://discord.gg/2tVtxAX
Telegram Blocktrainer Gruppe
► https://t.me/joinchat/HpIfGBI3tv0NlBe4OzRrkw
Café Informell, der b...
Wie lege ich mir ein Infinity Wallet an - Infinity Economics Blockchain Revolution 2017 EBook Dowload: https://goo.gl/DuxB77 Registrierung: http://blockchaintv.de/infinity . Werde ein Teil de...
In order to submit questions to our community meeting, head over to https://www.sli.do/ and use the event code #lisk. Make sure to tag every question with the name of the person it's directed...