Amir Taaki hat den Bitcoin-Handelsplatz gegründet. Philip Banse erklärt der Entwickler und Pionier, wie die digitale Währung unsere Welt verändern wird.
4,044 Aufrufe---------------------------------------------------------- FREIE LINKS: Webseite: Facebook: -------------------------------------------------...
3,887 AufrufeThe internet brings much more changes than we could possibly ever imagine, typical of a very disruptive technology, as the generation who invents it can only think of the new technology in terms of wh...
3,525 AufrufeNOTICE: PUBLIC KEY MUST BE REGISTERED for your to participate in this ICO. See details: Follow me on Steemit: https://...
8,467 AufrufeEthereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, fraud or third Party interference. Ethereum is how the...
3,386 AufrufeWhat is Ethereum? A Simple Explanation Anyone Can Understand You'll receive $10 in free bitcoin by signing up with this link Blockchain Revolution Book: http://amzn....
3,128 AufrufeGenesis Mining: Discount Code: 6EFDl3 ** Leaving my Genesis code above, in case you want to use it, but I am no longer going to recommend it for investing due t...
3,138 Aufrufe