Beim Blick in die Fraunhofer-Labore stellten am 29.11.2017 fünf Fraunhofer-Wissenschaftler und Institutsleiter ihre aktuellen Forschungsprojekte auf dem Fraunhofer-Tag der Künstlichen Intelligenz vo...
In this video I will discuss a potential investment opportunity in Waltonchain (WTC) . Additionally, I will go over the Minerva ICO.
Walton can be purchased on the Binance exchange.
تور اروپا
This tour can be one of the best choices for any tourism. This continent, with its very good climate and the richness of its rich and fertile soils, brings the name of a green conti...
Neufund is a community-owned or investors-owned fundraising platform bridging the worlds of venture capital and blockchain space.
To learn more about Neufund and its upcoming ICBM go to https://commi...