“Every now and then, a truly stellar new technology emerges, and it always takes us to places we never imagined,” says blockchain specialist Mike Schwartz. Like the combustion engine, the telephon...
In order to submit questions to our community meeting, head over to https://www.sli.do/ and use the event code #lisk. Make sure to tag every question with the name of the person it's directed...
In this video, I introduce the Basic Attention Token (Bat) Initial Coin Offering (ICO). The BAT, a token based on the Ethereum technology, can be used to obtain a variety of advertising and attention-...
Ein Film von Manuel Stagars
(For the English version with subtitles see: https://youtu.be/2iF73cybTBs)
2008 erfand Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin und die Block...
mehr unter http://www.rekrutier.de
In diesem extrem interessanten Erfolgs-Talk spricht MLM Coach und Vetriebsexperte Tobias Schlosser vom REKRU-TIER mit Lukas Spies, Top-Distributor bei Juice PLUS+ C...